Membership Website
The Acworth Business Association needs a platform where their members can easily manage their own profiles, register for events, and pay for membership. Their old Drupal 6 site was limited in it's ability to manage their members, create events and track attendance.
Previously, members did not have the ability to manage their own business information. Applications were on paper, and there was no easy way for the Board of Directors to see which members attended which events. All changes to the site, including adding events and updating member contact information, was performed by an outside management company.
Concerned with a lack of transparency, the Board of Directors contracted Scott Sawyer Consulting to create a site that would empower members to manage their own information, replace the paper records (including applications and attendance sheets), and manage their membership renewals. Additional features would include facilitating business referrals and automating communications, and hosting video testimonials.
Drupal 7 was a massive upgrade, both in terms of being more user and mobile friendly, as well as enhanced content and user management capabilities. We provided a dedicated help support system to onboard new members as well as educate existing members of the new processes. With members having the ability to manage their own business information, the management company had a reduced burden of maintaining the site, and online renewal process improved the membership renewal rates.

Events, Member Showcase
The Acworth Business Association is proud of their membership, and the Website showcases member businesses with rich profiles and a powerful search engine to locate any type of business service you might need.
Additionally, the site manages all of their events with an easy to use interface where the public can find and register for events.

Custom Membership Dashboards
Members can easily manage their membership using the custom dashboards to get a high level view of their activity within the organization. From here, they can update their profiles, send referrals and testimonials to other members, renew their membership and more.

Custom Management Dashboards
The ABA Website uses a roles based permission system that gives privileged users ( management and board members ) access to core features to manage every aspect of the site without the need to touch any of the backend, making it simple to access reports and make changes on the fly with out dealing with code or calling in developers. Every bit of content is accessible to the management team, without concern that changes will break the overall look and feel of the site.