If you were directed to this page while attempting to use our site, please note the following: as of June 2010, we will no longer support the IE6 browser. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. Please read the explanation below.

    Internet Explorer 6 was released by Microsoft in 2001 for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. It was also pushed out to previous Windows versions, and is the last browser for Windows 2000 and older. Since then, many, more sophisticated browsers have been released. IE6 has been plagued by many flaws, both in security issues, and Web standards support. Even Microsoft has joined the cries of those trying to get IE6 out of circulation, most recently by ending extended support of Windows 2000.

    These are among the reasons why it was decided early on that the new ScottSawyerConsulting.com site would not support IE6. We also wanted to push some of the new features in CSS3, which are not fully supported by all browsers, but renders well enough in the latest releases of the major browsers. While you will have the best experience on our site with the latest Web-Kit browsers (Safari, and Chrome), we allowed for use of all the major browsers by progressively enhancing our CSS.

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Opera Browser
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Internet Explorer 8

    We know that a small percentage of our visitors may be using IE6 for some reason, so we do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We hope that, in the name of security and kittens everywhere, you choose to update your browser or use one of these great alternatives.