McCall Monarchs are on a mission to reach 100% PTA memberships!

 McCall Monarchs are on a mission to reach 100% PTA memberships! You can help us reach our goal. Memberships are just $5.00 and will go to support the million words campaign, school supplies, and even the local high school students with scholarships. In this economy who knew that $5.00 could go so far!

Once we reach our goal the Mayor of Acworth, Tommy Allegood along with the principal of McCall Primary, Thomas Farrell will eat bugs!

Social Media Cotent Strategy - Successful Social Media for the long-term, a Social Media Case Study

Soical Media has exploded in popularity over the last couple of years, and is often the subject of much discussion when we talk with clients.  Businesses know social media needs to be part of their overall strategy, but often struggle with how to best manage social media, especially when it comes to content.

A Letter of Thanks.

As we complete  our 6th year in business, I want to take a few minutes to reflect on our experiences.  It has been a very exciting time for me.  We've had the pleasure of working with some of the best and brightest busiensses and people in our community.  Every relationship that we've established is incredibly valuable to us, and it is the people that have made this posible.   People tell me that passing the 5 year mark is an important milestone for business.  Most businesses don't survive this long.  To me 5 years doesn't feel like we've made it, just the first leg on an epic journey.   

Woodstock Website Design - Local Businesses Benefit from SEO

The City of Woodstock, located in the north west coridor of Atlanta Georgia, is home to a growing number of businesses and professionals.  With lots of green space and a growing number of parks and recreational activities, it is easy to understand why it is such an attractive area for families.   For years, Towne Lake has offered great amenities to attract families, and with the revitalization of the Woodstock Main Street area, more businesses have moved in to serve these customers.  

Friendly Neighborhood Web Designer

Web Design Neighbors

 Atlanta's small businesses are going back to the old way of doing business, with people they know.  Some of the most recent work we've received, the owners told me the fact that I am local had a big part in their decision.  The fact is, most people prefer doing business with people, not faceless corporations.  This helps explain the social media boom over the last couple of years.

How to Use Twitter for Business

Twitter, Vital for Business?

It seems everyone is talking about Twitter, and you keep hearing about how businesses need to be involved in social media, and no social media campaign is complete without Twitter.  With nearly 200 MILLION users, Twitter is a huge opportunity for businesses to engage customers and communicate with peers.  But, you don't have time to learn a new Web site, and you don't get why anyone cares about what you ate for lunch. 

Google Analytics for Business


Over the past couple of years, Google Analytics has risen to the top of of the Site Traffic Tracking game.  There have always been several ways to track your Web site traffic, ranging from the basic statistical data provided by most Web hosts and hit counters to more advanced server side software such as Urchin.  But Google Analytics brings some new features and advantages to this space.

A couple of advantages of Google Analytics over most Site Traffic reporting toools: